This founder story is from the very inspiring and focused co-founder of GiveForward, Desiree Vargas Wrigley. GiveForward is a service that helps the friends and family of sick loved ones provide financial support for medical procedures.
The entire team at GiveForward is focused on one goal: to create light for their customers who are experiencing a very difficult time in their lives. Everyone who works at or uses GiveForward as a service should feel that “the work they’re doing on a very individual level has an impact at a very individual level”. Walk into GiveForward and listen to the buzz of customer support calls and coworker support and you know they’re doing just that.
About this series
Our heroes are small, mighty companies building unique, crafted experiences for their customers and employees. They work to create something new, something engaging, something of true value to their communities.This video series is dedicated to a few companies in the Chicago area doing just that: proving that small and mighty is the new black.
{Director and Co-Producer: Corbyn Tyson of Frank and Harvey, Director of Photography: Matt Youngblood, Photographer: Brent Knepper}