On March 17th 2020, we’ll be releasing some fantastic upgrades to Kin’s employee reviews. Our primary objective with the new experience is to make reviews easier to set up and easier to participate in.
If you’re new to Kin, or an existing customer interested in learning about Kin’s employee reviews, please join Melissa Benzo as she walks through the product on one of the following dates:
- March 18, 2020 at 4pm EST
Click here to register. - March 20, 2020 at 8am EST
Click here to register. - March 23, 2020 at 11am EST
Click here to register. - March 25, 2020 at 3pm EST
Click here to register.
Unable to attend, or want to talk to Melissa one on one about Reviews in Kin? Click here to schedule a time directly with her.
An easier employee review experience from the top down
Creating reviews for your entire company should be easy. Select topics of the review, the employees involved and click go, right? Our new experience focuses on clarity and expediency.
Participating in a review
The new review experience focuses on feedback, and everything else has been designed to stay out of the way. Not just a visual improvement, the new review experience is much clearer about what to do now and what happens next.

Manage employee reviews in bulk
We’re also making it easier to manage your company’s reviews via a cleaner, more powerful listing page. Kin now has the ability to select multiple reviews and apply a change all at once, be it deleting, changing reviewers, or re-organizing them to different categories.

Once you start using these new editing capabilities we think you’ll want to see them in other places in Kin, like in Files. We agree :)
Important information about the updates
Changes to the employee review workflow
There are a few differences in how reviews are run in the new system versus what you may be used to:
- Feedback from both manager and employee is withheld from viewing by the other party until both have shared their feedback. This is to ensure feedback is given objectively, and not reactively.
- HR Managers are now able to sign off on every employee review on a manager or employee’s behalf.
- The meeting scheduler inside of Kin is exclusively available to Managers now – it’s their responsibility to schedule one-on-one’s with their employees insofar as Kin is concerned.
Finishing existing employee reviews before March 17
All existing reviews in Kin will be forward compatible with Kin’s new employee review system. However, there will be small differences in how they behave which align with the improvements described above. If you’re running reviews with your team during March 17th, no data or feedback will be lost, it will all be available to you in the new system.
A hat tip toward the future
Our strategy for employee feedback in Kin is to first improve the foundational tools Kin already offers, and then build upon them. Our release in March is a first step in that direction, and further down the road we’ll be looking at the customization of review questions, peer reviews, and bringing employee objectives into closer alignment with reviews. Stay tuned!