We released a couple of really cool features to help get the power of Kin into a place we all visit dozens of times a day: our email inbox.
Approve time-off requests via email
Virtually every other time-off tracking tool out there (including Kin until recently), forces users to sign in to a website to approve time-off requests. We decided that’s poor form.
Now, when employees request time off, managers receive an email that contains a time-off balance, who else is out during that time, and the ability to approve or decline the request right there in the email. No more signing in. No more wasted time.

Approve time-off and leave requests directly via email in Kin.
Week-in-advance email for HR Managers
A brand new feature we released is a well-organized summary email that HR managers receive Thursday evening detailing the upcoming week. The email has reminders about tasks, important dates (anniversaries, birthdays, etc.), who’s out of the office, and if there are new hires starting — an overview of what’s left in terms of paperwork and onboarding tasks.
Opt-out of sending email notifications
Lot’s of HR managers have requested that Kin send fewer email notifications when they create and update employee records. Now, right below every save and submit button in Kin, there’s a little checkbox to opt-out of sending those email notifications. It’s selected by default, so emails will be sent unless HR managers unselect it.

HR Managers can opt out of email notifications to employees.