We just released an ode to moms everywhere — it’s called Mom’s Annual Performance Review. Go ahead and give all the moms in your life a little bit extra this year for Mother’s Day.
The backstory
I met a professional soul-mate named Jen Dary recently out in Portland. Jen runs a company called Plucky, which helps companies like ours be better places to work. Where Kin handles HR administration via software, Plucky helps companies with their more human-level employer/employee interactions. She’s really good at her job. Like freakishly good. She’s also a new mom.
Since I work at Kin and I’m a father of three, we had plenty to talk about when we met. Where our talk led to was a problem that’s been gnawing at Jen’s inner-plucky for quite some time (which she expounds upon wonderfully over on her blog). In a nutshell, why do companies have all these great tools to build community, provide feedback, and improve dialog, yet families like yours, mine, and hers have nothing but ill-interpreted text messages?
The Department of Family Appreciation is born
So we decided to do something about it. And right in time for Mother’s Day. We gathered a crew from Mammoth, Kuu, Plucky, and Kin, and started cranking. We’re calling the initiative the Department of Family Appreciation, and the first tool we’re releasing is Mom’s Annual Performance review.
Moms finally get a performance review
Moms are everywhere. They’re your mother, your spouse, your sister, your coworker. They’ll all get breakfast in bed this Sunday, hopefully. And maybe a mani/pedi. But, this year, you’re going to give them something extra: a personalized review that gives you, your siblings, and your kids a few minutes to think about and write all the great things Mom has done for you and the family. Your reflections get bundled up into a nice little presentation for mom and emailed to her. The result? She’ll go “This is great. Now, go do the laundry, it’s Mother’s Day!”
Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy (very soon) Mother’s Day to all you moms out there. You deserve a lot more than one day a year to rest. We can’t fix that, but we can at least help deliver you some good vibes!
Kuu Hubbard did the design, Jennifer Sisson and Sarah Holden did all front-end programming, Grant Black and Waylon Martinez did the back-end magic, Ameer Mansur and Paul Kizior wrangled the servers, Scott Ladue managed the project, and Whitney Biltz got the word out. Oh, and nothing would’ve happened if it wasn’t for Jen’s brilliant empathy for moms everywhere!