Onboarding is our pride and joy and gets to the heart of what Kin is all about: informing and empowering employees.
Kin’s onboarding page for new hires centralizes the most important information a new team member needs: when to start, where to come, who to contact, what forms to fill out, and who they’ll be working with.

An onboarding page consists of tasks, files, welcome messages, tools, and team members.
What’s beautiful about the onboarding page is that you can set it up once and reuse it for all of your new hires, customizing only the information which is specific to each person. You can create reusable tasks which get assigned to the new employee or another team member who’ll be helping out. You can create Company Tools, which link employees to the most commonly used websites and software. Lastly, of course, you can select individual employees with whom the new hire will be working.
When you’re creating an onboarding page for a new hire, you can work in draft mode until you’re ready to publish. That means, you can edit and preview the employee’s page to your heart’s desire. Once you publish, the onboarding page is the first page the new hire sees when they sign into Kin.

The onboarding page is the first page a new hire sees in Kin when they sign in.
A tip from the Kin team
Ensure a new employee has the best experience on day one by getting them into Kin and using their onboarding page before they ever step foot in the door. It’ll maximize their productivity and minimize scrambling on your end.
Here’s a few other feature overviews for you:
> Kin Overview: Time Off
> Kin Overview: Users and Roles
> Kin Overview: Files