A few days ago, a security vulnerability called “Heartbleed” reared its ugly head in the internet world. It’s a bug that websites, web hosts, and software developers around the world quickly remediated, including us here at Kin. If you’d like to read more about Heartbleed, here’s a great overview, and here’s a site to see whether the sites you use for email, shopping, or work are still vulnerable.
This is important: Change your password in Kin
We’ve done everything on our side to protect our customer data, but there is one step we are urging all Kin users take to close the case for good: Reset your Kin passwords. When you’re signed into Kin, click “You”, and right there on your profile page you’ll be able to select a new, strong password.
Thanks, oh and one more thing.
Thanks for helping keep your data safe. And, if you’re wondering if you should be resetting passwords to all those other sites you use at work and in your private life, the answer is yes, better safe than sorry.