We’ve just added a new Reporting feature! Now, you can visualize your data right inside the app, as well as export a particular set of data. We’ve started with four of our most requested time-off reports: approved requests, pending requests, an overview of balances, and carryover.
If you’re an HR Manager, you can find the new Reporting feature under the Company tab. Here you can select a date range, the report type, and filter the reports by specific policies. Additionally, you can filter your data based on employee job titles, locations, work groups, and statuses. Sweet!
Now, let’s go over the types of time-off reports so you can start checking out your data.
Time-Off Approved
This report shows you all approved time-off requests based on any date range. This report also includes a chart showing the total time taken by employees during that date range, organized from most to least.

Time-Off Pending
Here, you’ll see all pending time-off requests based on the date range selected. Pending requests are those that haven’t been responded to by a Manager.

Time-Off Balances
This report gives you a comprehensive overview of an employee’s balance as of the date selected. It includes time accrued, left to accrue, available, taken, approved and pending, as well as any manual adjustments that have been made to a balance.

Time-Off Carryover
This report displays the amount of carryover and the date the carryover was applied for each employee, for the period that includes the date selected.

As a sidenote, Kin’s data exports (under Manage Account) are still available should you want all of your time off data in a single spreadsheet. And, in the future, we plan to also include reports on employee data like, birthdays and anniversaries, start dates, salary, etc.
Have feedback on the types of reports Kin should create? Send us a note and tell us all about it!