If you’re a Google, Outlook, or Apple Calendar user, you can now subscribe to the Kin calendar. This is a great way to overlay vacation, holidays, and anniversaries atop of other important dates like project deadlines.
This feature is available to every user in Kin and will help everyone make well-informed decisions about taking time away from work (i.e., when it’s really busy, of course!).

Sync your Kin calendar data with your team’s favorite calendar app.
Here are some quick tutorials showing you how to get your calendar set up.
Apple Calendar on Mac OS X
Steps to subscribe:
1. Copy your webcal:// URL from Kin (at the top right of the Calendar page, click “Subscribe to Calendar”).
2. In Apple Calendar, click File, and select “New Calendar Subscription.” Paste in your webcal URL from step one when prompted.
3. Choose any configuration information when prompted, such as iCloud sync and refresh interval.
Google Calendar
Steps to subscribe:
1. Copy your webcal:// URL from Kin (at the top right of the Calendar page, click “Subscribe to Calendar”).
2. In Google Calendar, click the arrow next to “Other Calendars” in the left-hand column of the page. Select “Add by URL” and paste in your webcal URL when prompted.
Note: Google appears to refresh automatically every 24 hours. To the best of our knowledge, there is no way to increase the frequency of refreshes. Patience, friends, patience.
Outlook for Mac and PC
Steps to subscribe:
1. Copy your webcal:// URL from Kin (at the top right of the Calendar page, click “Subscribe to Calendar”).
2. In Outlook, select Tools from the top toolbar then Account Settings.
3. From the dialog box that appears, select the “Internet Calendars” tab then click on the “New” link and paste your Kin calendar URL into the field. Select “Add” when finished, add a custom name for the new calendar, and click “OK”.
4. Now, click on your regular “Calendar” link in Outlook to view your default calendar. Your Kin calendar should now be available to select!
Note: The web version of Outlook (Office 365) doesn’t support the syncing of a calendar subscription to the Outlook desktop application.
What’s the .ICS download for?
Most modern calendar apps will support the URL subscription. Some older apps won’t. The iCal (.ICS) download is for those older ones. The downside? The .ICS will not automatically sync up to Kin like the URL subscription does.
We’ve had calendar integrations on our mind since July. Our original thought was to pull data in from other calendar sources and overlay it in Kin. Thanks to the recommendations of a practical-minded customer (Thanks Tyler!), we decided to do the opposite: push Kin calendar data out to other apps. Enjoy!