Last night we released a few improvements to make it easier and quicker to get users set up in Kin. They’re simple, no brainer usability tweaks that a lot of folks have been clamoring for.
Add and remove files via employee profile pages
Back in the old days, one could only share a file with an employee via the Company > Files page. That confused many, and the madness had to stop.
Now, HR Managers can open up a specific employee’s file page, and upload a new file or share an existing file right then and there. More logical. Less confusical.

Add/remove files directly via employee’s file page.
Bonus! HR Managers can also delete one or more employee files all at once via the employee’s file page. Double-rainbows.
Add and manage time-off policies via employee profile pages
In a not so distant past, the only way for HR Managers to add employees to time-off policies was via the Company > Time-Off Polices page. Again, it felt slightly backwards and unintuitive in the case where a single employee’s profile was being adjusted.
So, let there be daylight. HR Managers can now add and remove time-off polices from an employee’s time-off page. Eureka! Few clicks. Less gnashing of teeth.
Better tips for data imports
We’re learning a lot about the data import tool we released a month and change ago. Namely, how many ways we need to improve it. So, as a first few steps, we’re relaxing some of the rules Kin is enforcing when importing data, and we put a few ‘quick tips’ inline on the page to help folks get through that first crucial step a bit easier.
There are a few more improvements on the way, to be sure. This is a very important step in getting up and running with Kin. In the meantime, you can always contact us if you need help troubleshooting or you’d just like us to take care of it for you.