In this Article:

Beaches Sandbox was established during the pandemic with a vision to provide a space for community connection, creativity and fun! Founders Paulette O’Leary and Jason Schuy noticed a lack of opportunities for people to come together and decided to create a hub that caters to all ages, abilities and backgrounds. No one is excluded from their mission. That’s pretty inspiring. 

As a non-profit, they’re committed to using technology to help them save time so they can further their mission — also pretty inspiring! Jordan Safer, the Executive Director, sought an efficient solution to manage their growing team’s time and attendance. By implementing Time by Wagepoint, Jordan’s team significantly reduced administrative workload, enabling them to focus more on their mission and community impact.

Jordan Safer, Executive Director, Beaches Sandbox

Spreadsheets weren’t cutting it.

As the organization got started, Beaches Sandbox managed their small team using spreadsheets to track hours and attendance. This manual process was time-consuming and prone to human error. As they grew their staff and volunteers, Jordan’s team found they were spending several hours a month on administrative time-tracking tasks… Hours they could have spent dreaming of fun new programs and forging relationships within the community (that’s a lot of fistbumps!). 

Time-tracking tech to the rescue.

In 2023, as Beaches Sandbox formalized positions and expanded their team, they needed to implement a system that would allow the team to more efficiently track time. Jordan explained their requirements:

  • A time and attendance system that integrated seamlessly with Wagepoint Payroll.
  • A solution to reduce the administrative burden and improve accuracy.
  • A system that could support their growing team, including full-time staff, part-time staff, facilitators, and volunteers.

After evaluating options, Beaches Sandbox adopted Time by Wagepoint, which checks all the boxes. The onboarding process was straightforward. With some initial training to tailor the system to their specific needs, they were off to the races. 

“The team at Wagepoint has been terrific. We onboarded quickly, and our questions were answered promptly. The continuous improvements and integrations have been very beneficial.” – Jordan Safer

Implementation and impact.

Within a month, Beaches Sandbox successfully integrated the new system into their organization. The results were immediate:

  • Administrative time spent on tracking and processing attendance was reduced by 3-4 hours per month.
  • The centralized system allowed for more efficient tracking and fewer errors.
  • The team could now focus more on planning, building relationships and executing their vision rather than getting bogged down by administrative tasks.

“Getting that time back means we spend more time on planning and making an impact, ensuring the vision of the organization comes to fruition, rather than on administrative pieces.” – Jordan Safer

Time by Wagepoint helped Beaches Sandbox dedicate more resources to engaging with the community and enhancing their programs. ❤️

Changing the game with Time by Wagepoint.

Implementing Time by Wagepoint was a game-changer for Beaches Sandbox. It not only streamlined their administrative processes but also empowered them to focus on their core mission. By embracing technological solutions, Beaches Sandbox can continue to grow and serve their community more effectively.